Final Embrace

They say that 

When someone dies

their beloved will pass by

the place where they died

to say hi

They might park their car

at the scene

of the accident

at the spot

where their loved one

wrapped their car

around the pole of a street light

Hoping for a sight

hoping for a sign

Just to

lie on the ground

where their beloved lay,

and to hug the pole

that stole

the final embrace

of the beloved.

[Image by efes from Pixabay]

Chocolate Biscuits

She’d been through a lot this girl, only 13 years old. So she needed chocolate biscuits, lots of them.

And dad, in prison for domestic violence. the daughter missed her father and knew he just got upset sometimes and couldn’t control his temper.

Surely, the chocolate biscuits will help, thought mum. She’d had a lot of wounds and hurts and that meant a lot of chocolate biscuits were needed.

So she had chocolate biscuits for lunch, at school, every day.

The teachers were concerned. But mum knew best, and thought, and hoped, that the chocolate biscuits would cover up all the times she’d let her daughter down.

But they always melted in the girl’s lunchbox and made her queasy.